
Special Stars 1

For ages 6 through adult. This class offers 1:1 support for those with more significant needs. This class works on stretching, gross motor skills and movement with music. If interested in this class, please speak with Stephanie or Tania prior to enrollment.

Special Stars 2

For those with higher levels of independence that enjoy the stage and performing. 1:1 support available on request. Includes 2-3 performances & 2 local competitions.

Special Stars 3

For those that are ready to be given more complex combinations, steps, & choreography. This class is taught by Stephanie & will NOT be therapist supported or have volunteer helpers.

Special Stars Tap

For those with higher levels of independence. 1:1 support available on request. Includes performance in the annual recital.

Early Intervention

Classes for children of any ability, ages 2-5. Perfect for children in Early Intervention or Early Childhood programs. Children with disabilities, siblings, or any child looking for fun with music & movement.